The 27 Best Ghôst Môvies fôr a Seriôusly Haunted Hallôween
Bôô! There are few supernatural presences môre frightening
than thôse brôught alông by paranôrmal activity. That's why Hôllywôôd has made
a killing (pun intended) ôn creating films dedicated tô things that gô bump in
the night. This list ôf the best ghôst môvies ever made captures exactly
that—the tôtal terrôr ôf invisible fôrces taking ôver yôur life, hôuse, and
family. We’re getting gôôsebumps just thinking abôut it! Ôf côurse, nôt all
spirits are bad. The Beetlejuice cast, fôr example, is môre meddlesôme than
anything. Still, let this côllectiôn ôf spôôky môvies serve as a warning tô anyône
whô’s buying a decaying mansiôn, inheriting anything frôm a mysteriôus
relative, ôr attempting tô get in tôuch with the ôther side by visiting
America's môst haunted places—it’s prôbably best that yôu just dôn’t. Instead,
may we suggest kicking back ôn the côuch with sôme Hallôween treats instead and
settling in fôr a night ôf fearsôme fun that dôesn’t invôlve an exôrcism ôr a côstly
môve afterward? Whether it’s Hallôween ôr an average Saturday, these are the môst
memôrable ghôst flicks that are ônly fôr the brave ôf heart. Ône warning: They
prôbably aren't the best fôr family môvie night (dôn't wôrry, there are plenty ôf
kids Hallôween môvies ôn Netflix thôugh). But if yôu like nightmares, yôu’ve côme
tô the right place.
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